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▼サイト会員登録の削除方法誠に申し訳ございませんが、弊社が利用するシステム(WIX)では、現時点ではサイト会員はご自分のアカウント(プロフィールページを含む)をご自身で削除することができません。 登録を削除するには、お手数ですがこのページの下にあるお問い合わせフォームからその旨をお知らせ頂きますよう、お願いいたします。
▼外部アカウントでの新規登録方法(Google、Facebook)弊社のサービスをご利用いただくには、会員登録(無料)が必要です。会員登録にはGoogleやFacebookの既存アカウントもご利用いただけます。 (1)右上の「ログイン」ボタンをクリックします。 (2)新規登録画面に移行しますので、「Googleで登録」または「Facebookで登録」ボタンをクリックします。 (3)連携設定のウィンドウが現れますので、連携したいアカウントのボタンをクリックします。 (4)連携が完了すると、右上の「ログイン」ボタンが外部アカウントのプロフィールアイコンに変わります。 (5)この状態でプランを選択すると、それぞれの購入ページに移行します。 ーーーーー 会員登録が上手くいかない場合は、以下の「お問い合わせフォーム」からお問い合わせください。
◆ New registration method (How to purchase a “free trial ticket”)Membership registration (free) is required to use our services. Below is an example of how to purchase a “free trial ticket” to guide you through the process. (1) Select "Plan/Price" from the top menu, and select "Free Trial Ticket" from the plans below. (2) Click the "New registration" button. (3) Select the new registration method. (Hereafter, it will proceed when "new registration with email address" is selected.) (4) Enter your email address, enter a password, check "I'm not a robot", and click the "Register" button. (5) An authentication code will be sent to the email address you entered. Enter it here and click the "Authenticate/New Registration" button to complete the new registration. (6) New registration is complete. After checking the "order details" on the right side of the payment screen, click the "Purchase plan" button. (7) Open the mailbox and send the message "Thank you for purchasing the plan (ticket)" from the music-tech-solutions (*We use the order management service "Wix".) ----- In addition, there are 3 "free trial tickets", but there are the following 3 ways to use them. ・Method 1: Use the "Single Case Response Service" three times, which consumes one ticket per time ・Method 2: Use the "Troubleshooting Service" once, which consumes 3 tickets once ・Method 3: By exchanging the "Free Trial Ticket" for a coupon equivalent to a set of 3 tickets (¥3,450), you will be charged an additional ¥3,150 for the "Lesson & Consulting Service" (40 minutes, ¥6,600). 1 time If you would like to use "Method 3" above, please obtain a "Free Trial Ticket" and contact us using the "Inquiry Form" below.
◆ How to apply for an online intensive course (using the “Finale Intensive Course” as an example)1. Go to "Online Reservation" from the top page. (You may or may not log in.) 2. Select the desired course from the "Book Online" page. (The following is an example of "Finale Intensive Course: July 2023 Course [Fundamentals I/II]".) 3. After reading the service description, click the "Book Now" button. 4. Enter your details and click the 'Book Now' button. 5. Choose a payment method. 6. The credit card billing address can be processed up to the name of the town. 7. Please check the content of the order, the return policy, and the content of the notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions. 8. If everything is fine, click the "Buy" button. 9. An order confirmation screen will be displayed, along with an order confirmation email from "" and a receipt email from "" to your registered email address. (Wix and Stripe are the payment services we use. Please note that the latter is displayed in English due to the system's convenience.) If you have any questions, please contact us using the "Inquiry Form" below. The credit card billing address can be processed up to the name of the town.
▼新しいクレジットカードの登録方法(1)右上の人型アイコンをクリックし、ログインします。 (2)再び右上の人型アイコンをクリックし、現れたプルダウンメニューから「マイウォレット」を選びます。 (3)マイウォレットのページで、左下の「新規カードを追加」リンクをクリックします。 なお、チケットは以下のページからご購入いただけます。
◆ How to use lessons and consulting services1. If you are not logged in, click the login icon on the top right of the top screen to log in. After logging in, go to "Services". 2. Select "Lesson & Consulting Service" from the service contents. 3. After reading the service description, click the "Book Now" button. 4. If there is no availability on that day, click the "Check next available date" button. 5. Select the desired date and time and click the "Next" button. 6. Enter your details. In particular, be sure to include the following: (1) Target product name/version: (2) Your OS: (3) Problem details: 6. Select "Pay for this session" as the payment method* and click the "Book Now" button. (*If you select "Purchase a plan", you can also purchase a set of 9 tickets. This is a good deal when you want to use other services in combination.) (*If you already have a set of 9 valid tickets, please contact us using the "Inquiry Form" below. We will issue a coupon code equivalent to 6 tickets.) 7. Choose a payment method. 8. The credit card billing address can be processed up to the name of the town. 9. If you have a coupon code, click "Enter coupon code", enter the code in the input field, and click the "Apply" button to apply the coupon price. 10. Please check the content of the order, the return policy, and the content of the notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions. 11. If everything is fine, click the "Buy" button. 12. An order confirmation screen will be displayed, and an order confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address from "" and a receipt email will be sent from "". (Wix and Stripe are the payment services we use. Please note that the latter is displayed in English due to the system's convenience.) If you have any questions, please contact us using the "Inquiry Form" below.
◆ How to use the single case response service(1) After requesting a ticket, please fill out the inquiry form. Select "Request for single case response service" for "Type of service". (2) Please fill in the necessary items in the "Inquiry Details" and click the "Send Inquiry" button. (3) We will automatically send an email confirming receipt of your inquiry from "". Replies will also be sent from the same e-mail address, so if you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please check your junk mail box. (4) We will send a reply to your inquiry from "". After the inquiry e-mail sent by the customer arrives in our mailbox, as a general rule, we will respond by the same day for inquiries received in the morning, and by the same day or the next business day for inquiries received in the afternoon. We will reply to you by e-mail. If you do not receive a reply e-mail after 2 business days, it is possible that our reply e-mail did not reach you. (For urgent matters, please call 03-6824-6252.)
▼Zoomでの画面共有の方法(1)メールに記載されたリンクをクリックするとブラウザが開き、このような画面が表示されますので、「zoom.usを開く」ボタンをクリックします。(「Zoom Meeting を開く」という表示の場合もあります。) (2)続いて現れるダイアログボックスにて、「コンピュータオーディオに参加する」ボタンをクリックします。 (3)Zoomのビデオチャット画面が開かれます。画面共有を行う場合は、最下段中央の「画面共有」ボタンをクリックします。 (4)続いて現れるウィンドウで、自分のパソコンのデスクトップ画面を選択し、左下の「サウンドを共有」にチェックを入れた上で※、右下の「共有」ボタンをクリックします。 (※「サウンドを共有」にチェックを入れると、ソフトウェアの再生音などが弊社スタッフ側でも聞こえるようになります。) ーーーーー これで画面共有がスタートします。画面共有を終了させるには、共有画面の上部に表示された「共有を停止」ボタンをクリックします。
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