The second major difference between the Japanese version of Finale and the English version is the various libraries. In the Japanese version, a library based on the use of the Kousaku font has been added, and in v27, a library of expressions and articulations for each instrument that incorporates plenty of SMuFL symbols has been added.
There are various types of libraries, but here we will introduce libraries with code suffixes that differ greatly between the two.
In the English version of Finale, chord symbols (code names), including chord suffixes, have always been smaller in size, and the thinner Times New Roman has been used, and this has not changed in the current version v27. .
On the other hand, the Japanese version of the code suffix library differs from the English version in the following ways.
(1) Type and notation method
The suffix type and notation method have been changed in accordance with the conventions of code symbol notation in Japan. (e.g. "m" "-" instead of minor code "m" "mi".)
(2) Font type and size
Before Finale v25, a small font was used for chord suffixes, but this was too small when viewed on stage. It's slightly larger.
(3) Design
To save space, wide code suffixes are stacked vertically whenever possible.
The difference between the two is obvious when you put them side by side. Pay particular attention to the differences around Maj7(#11) and 7(b9, b13).
《Finale v27 English version code suffixes (partial)》

《Finale v27 Japanese version code suffixes (partial)》

The difference between fonts is summarized as follows.
Finale Japanese version (v26 or later)
・Root: Arial 16pt
・Suffix: Arial 12pt
・Tension: Arial 10pt
Finale Japanese version (before v25)
・Root: Arial 12pt
・Suffix: Arial 11pt
・Tension: Arial 10-11pt
FinaleEnglish version
・Root: Times New Roman 12pt
・Suffix: Times New Roman 11pt
・Tension: Times New Roman 11pt
If you prefer the smaller chord symbols of Finale Japanese version v25 or earlier, in the "Save Library" dialog box opened by "File menu > Save Library" in Finale v25 or earlier, select "Chord & Fret Symbol". If you check only "Board" and save it as a .lib file and import it with "File menu > Open library" in your current Finale, you can use it in v26 and v27.
In Finale, if you want to change the size of the code symbols, you have to change the font size of the root and suffix separately, which is quite troublesome.
▼How to change the codename size (Finale)
By changing the value of "Chord name scaling factor" in "Utility menu > Change > Chord definition", it is possible to scale the chord symbol as a whole, albeit a little.

However, this does not take into account the spacing between characters, so if you enter a number that is too large, the characters will overlap, and if you enter a number that is too small, the spacing between characters will be sparse. As for the chord suffixes in Finale v26/v27 Japanese version, I think the practical variable range is about 90% to 105%.

Although Finale's chord suffixes can be difficult to adjust in size, you can freely adjust the font type, size, position, and character spacing of each character in the suffix. There is an advanced editing function that can be set up to, and the Japanese version of Finale uses this to create and install a unique chord suffix library.
The chord suffix library installed in the Japanese version of Finale v26/v27 has specifications that meet the minimum requirements of both published scores that prefer smaller sizes and players who prefer larger sizes. may feel small.
Even in such a case, users can create their own original chord suffix libraries based on the same concept as in the Japanese version of Finale v26/v27. This is a lot of work, but I think it's worth doing if you think you're going to create a library that you'll use for the rest of your life.
I'd like to cover the specifics of how to create an original code suffix library in another article.