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[Finale] Your iPhone sometimes gives a trouble on Finale (mac only)

When I was using Finale v27.2 on my current main computer MacBook Air (M2), one day I noticed that Finale launched very slowly and got force-quit pretty frequently.

Especially if I select "Disconnect" on my iPhone while running Finale on my Mac, Finale will force-quit 100% times.

When I looked it up on the Internet, I found that the setting on my iPhone, which I always wear while working on Finale, seemed to be the culprit. This issue was resolved in Finale by turning off Continuity Camera in General > AirPlay and Handoff on the iPhone.

It seems that the new feature of macOS 13, "Continuous Camera," was an unexpected pitfall when using Finale.

I knew not a few problems with music notation software are related to the audio device connected to the computer, but I didn't realize that the iPhone connected wirelessly was the cause. There are still so many things I have to learn in the computer technology world.



The finale intensive course is being held in parallel on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings. Click on the banner below for details. (Lecture is given in Japanese. ) 

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